Fort Phil Kearny Historic Site
Wyoming State Historic Site, National Historic Landmark and Interpretive Center

These are the books we carry in the Fort Phil Kearny Bookstore.
All in-stock books can be shipped to you.
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Please keep in mind our inventories do fluctuate.
BOOK INVENTORY September-2020
Books highlighted are about the Bozeman Trail area
Books in Bold are best sellers
Title, Author, Retail
100 Things to See in the Night Sky; Regas, Dean $15.99
A Road We Do Not Know; Chiaventone, Fredrick $22.95
A Surgeon with Custer; Harburn,Todd $29.95
A Time to Cook; Farmer, James $35.00
Absaraka, Home of the Crow; Carrington, Margaret $24.95
After Custer; Hedren, Paul $24.95
All Because of a Mormon Cow; McDermott, John $29.95
Alpine Flowers; Strickler, Dee $9.95
American West; Brown, Dee $19.99
Arapahoe Women's Quillwork; Anderson, Jeffrey $21.95
Arapahoes Our People; Trenholm, Virginia Cole $29.95
Archaeology, History, & Custer's Last Battle; Fox, Richard $24.95
Arrows, Spears and Buffalo Jumps; Travis, Lauri $15.00
Art of the West; Scott, Amy 'Ed.' $34.95
Autobiography of Red Cloud; Paul, Eli 'Ed.' $15.95
Bakerita; Conners, Rachel $24.95
Battles/Skirmishes Great Sioux; Greene, Jerome $19.95
Birds and Birding in the Big Horns; Canterbury, Jackie $24.95
Birds of Prey A Folding Pocket; Kavanagh/Leung $7.95
Bites on a Board; Daulter, Ami $24.00
Black Elk; Jackson, Joe $22.00
Black Elks Speaks; Niehart,John $18.95
Blood on the Marias; Wylie, Paul $21.95
Bloody Bozeman; Johnson, Dorothy $20.00
Bluecoats and Pioneers; Hart, John $32.95 MORE INFO
Boots & Saddles Or Life in Dakota; Custer, Libby $17.97
Bound for Have Blood; Reilly, Hugh $15.95
Bound for Montana/Diaries of the Bozeman Trail; Doyle, Susan 'Ed.' $19.95
Bows & Arrows of the Native Am; Hamm, Jim $14.95
Buffalo Soldier, revised edition; Leckie, William/Shirley $19.95
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee; Brown, Dee $19.00
Butterflies - PFG(Peterson Field Guide); Latimer, Jane $6.95
Butterflies of the Rky Mtn - Folding Pocket Guide; Wauer, Ro etal $7.95
Catalog/Price List Trabing Store, Laramie WY; Michelson, Nancy $34.95
Cheyenne Autumn; Sandoz, Mari $17.95
Cheyenne River Reservation; Sprague, Donivin $21.95
Cheyenne Voice; Stands in Timber $59.95
Chuckwagon Cookbook; Price, Byron $19.95
Chuckwagon Cooking; Keepsake Series $5.95
Circle of Fire; McDermott, John $19.95
Cowboy Dreams, Intro by Bob Edgar; Collins, Richard 'Ed' $10.00
Color the Wild Flowers of the Rky; Strickler, Dee $4.95
Crazy Hores: Where My Dead Lie Buried; Wooten, Dave $16.95
Crazy Horse and Custer; Ambrose, Stephen $18.00
Crazy Horse, A Lakota Life; Bray, Kingsley $24.95
Crazy Horse, the Lakota Warrior's Life & Legacy; Matson B. Clown Family $30.00
Crazy Horse, the Strange Man of Oglalas; Sandoz, Mari $18.95
Crow Jesus; Clatterbuck, Mark $29.95
Crow Killer, The Saga of Liver-Eating Johnson; Bunker & Thorpt $15.00
Custer Died for Your Sins; Deloria, Vine $29.95
Custer's Luck; Stewart, Edgar $29.95
Dakota Dawn; Michno, Gregory $32.95
Daughters of the West; Seagraves, Anne $12.95
Dodging Red Cloud; Wheeler, Richard $15.95
Edible Wild Plants; Kallas, John $24.99
Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West; Tilford, Gregory $24.95
Empire of the Summer Moon; Gwynne, S.C. $18.00
Encyclopedia of Indian Wars; Michno, Gregory $30.00
Exactly the Right Place; Hagan, Barry $35.00
Exploring the Southeast Quadrant; Rosenfled R., Egerton, R $38.95
Eyewitness Accounts of the Fetterman Fight; Monnett, John $21.95
Fetterman Massacre; Brown, Dee $19.95
Fighting Cheyenne; Grinnell, George Bird $24.95
Forest Bathing; Hackenmiller, Suzanne Bartlett 19.9
Forest Wildflowers; Strickler, Dee $7.95
Fort Laramie & the Great Sioux War; Hedren, Paul $21.95
Forts of the West; Frazer, Robert $19.95
Forty Miles a Day on Beans and Hay; Rickey, Don $19.95
Frontier Army; Paul, Eli 'Ed.' $29.95
Frontier Army Christmas; Cox-Paul,Lori $12.95
Frontier Regulars; Utley, Robert $29.9
Galvanized Yankees; Brown, Dee $18.95
General Custer, Libby and Their Dogs; Duggan, Brian Patrick $34.95
Gentle Tamers; Brown, Dee $19.95
Girl Who Sang to the Buffalo; Nerburn, Ken $18.95
Girl Guards of Wyoming, The Lost Women's Militia; Lyon, Dan $21.99
Give Me Eighty Men; Smith, Shannon $18.95
Great Sioux Uprising, 1862, The; Keenan, Jerry $17.95
Great Sioux War Orders of Battle; Hedren, Paul $19.95
Guide to the Indian Wars of the West; McDermott, John $19.95
Hard Twist; Van Cleve, Barbara $40.00
Hardtack & Coffee; Billings, John $19.95
Heart of Everything that Is; Drury/Clavin $17.00
Heart of the Trail; O'Brien, Mary Barmeyer $14.95
Hide, Wood, and Willow; Anderson, $34.95
High-Spirited Women of the West; Seagraves, Anne $12.95
Hiking Wyoming, Cloud Peak Wilderness; Molvar, Erik $18.95
Hog Ranches of Wyoming, The; Brown, Larry $9.95
Hugh Glass Grizzly Survivor; McLaird, James $16.99
Hundred in the Hand; Marshall, Joseph III $16.95
Images of Rky Mtn Flowers; Earle,S.A. Lundin, J. $8.95
Indian Fights; Vaughn, J.W. $19.95
Indian Fights and Fighters; Brady, Cyrus $23.95
Indian Giver; Weatherford, Jack $17.00
Indian War of 1864; Ware, Eugene $16.98
Indian War Veterans; Greene, Jerome $24.95
Jim Bridger; Alter, J. Cecil $19.95
Jim Bridger, a Mountain Man; Vestal, Stanley $17.95
John Finerty Reports The Sioux War; Hedren, Paul 'Ed' $34.95
Journal of a Trapper; Russell, Osborne $16.95
Journey of Crazy Horse; Marshall, Joseph III $17.00
Journeys to the Land of Gold; Doyle, Susan Badger 'Ed' $95.00
Killing of Chief Crazy Horse; Clark, Robert $19.95
Killing of Crazy Horse; PB Powers, Thomas $18.00
Lakota Noon; Michno, Gregory $18.00
Land of the Horse; Morton, Sam $24.95
Last Stand; Philbrick, Nathaniel $18.00
Life of a Soldier on the Western Front; Agnew, Jeremy $18.00
Life of George Bent; Hyde, George $24.95
Living Crazy Health; Rossano, Jennifer $24.99
Little Bighorn, Voices from a Distant Wind; Adelson, Steven $22.95
Mammals of the Rockies; Fisher, Chris $14.95
Medicine Wheel, Earth Astrology; Sun Bear & Wabun $16.00
Moon of the Bitter Cold; Chiaventone, Fredrick $7.99
Morning Star Dawn (HC); Greene, Jerome $19.95
Most Desperate Acts of Gallantry, The; Davis, Daniel $14.95
Mountain Men & Fur Traders of the West; Hafen, Leroy 'Ed.' $19.95
My Army Life, Frances Carrington; Carrington, Frances $19.95
My Life as an Indian; Schultz, J.W. $16.95
Native Am. Crafts & Skills; Montgomery, David $16.95
Native American Testimony; Nabokov, Peter $20.00
Ned Wynkoop and the Lone Road from Sand Creek; Kraft, Louis $19.95
Neither Wolf Nor Dog; Nerburn, Ken $16.95
Night Sky - Folding Pocket Guide; Kavanagh/Leung $7.95
Nothing to Tell; Gray, Donna $18.95
On The Rez; Frazier, Ian $18.00
On This Day in Wyoming History; Holscher, Patrick $14.99
Oregon Trail; Buck, Rinker $17.99
Our Centennial Indian War and Life of George Custer; Victor, Frances $29.95
Patrick Connor's War; Wagner, David $34.95
Paul Goble, Storyteller; Bryan, Gregory $29.95
Pete Dune on Bird Watching; Dune, Pete $19.95
Peterson Field Guide to Astonomy; Pasachoff, Jay $7.95
Peterson, Field, Guide to Stars and Planets; Pasachoff, Jay $19.99
Phil Sheridan and His Army; Hutton, Paul Andrew $19.95
Pine Ridge Reservation; Sprague, Donovin $21.99
Plenty Coup's; Lindenman, Frank $19.95
Porch Living; Farmers, James $30.00
Portraits of Fort Phil Kearny; Written by Members of FPK/BTA $14.95
Powder River Disastrous Opening; Hedren, Paul $24.95
Powder River Odyssey; Wagner, David $34.95
Prairie Parcels; Gagliano, Gene $9.95
Prairie Traveler; Marcy, Randolph $9.95
Prairie Wildflowers; Strickler, Dee $9.95
Pretty Shield; Linderman, Frank $14.95
Red Cloud Ogalala Legend; McDermott, John $14.95
Red Cloud's Folk; Hyde, George $12.95
Red Cloud's War Vol 1 & 2; McDermott, John $95.00
Rising from the Plains; McPhee, John $16.00
Roadside History of WY; Moultan, Candy $20.00
Roadside Geology of WY; Lageson, David $20.00
Rock Hounding WY; Graham, Kenneth $19.95
Rocks, Gems & Minerals of the Rockys; Romaine, Garret $14.95
Rocky Mtn Berry Book; Krumm, Bob $18.95
Rocky Mtn Trees & Wildflowers; Kavanagh/Leung $5.95
Rosebud Sioux; Sprague, Donovin $21.99
Rosebud, June 17, 1876; Hedren, Paul $34.95
Roses of West; Seagraves, Anne $12.95
Sacred Pipe; Brown, Joseph $19.95
Saga of Hugh Glass; Myers, John $15.95
Saga of the Pony Express; Certo, Joseph $17.00
Sand Creek Massacre; Hoig, Stan $19.95
Scalp Dance; Goodrich, Thomas $21.95
Secrets of Wildflowers; Sanders, Jerry $19.95
Seriously Delish; Merchant, Jessica $29.99
Simply Soup; Baird, Madge $14.99
Sioux Women Traditionally Sacred; Driving Hawk Sneve $16.95
Sitting Bull; Vestal, Stanley $19.95
Sitting Bull, Prisoner of War; Pope, Dennis $16.95
Soap Suds Row; Lawrence, Jennifer $18.95
Soldiering in the Shadow of Wounded Knee 1891 Diary of Pvt Hartford Clark; Greene Jerome 'Ed.'; $32.95
Sound the Trumpet/Beat Drums; Gleason, Bruce $32.95
Sovereign Schools; Hipp, Martha Louise $29.95
Spirit and the Sky; Hollabaugh, Mark $24.95
Spoiled Doves; Seagraves, Anne $12.95
Spotted Tail; Clow, Richard $34.95
Spotted Tail's Folk; Hyde, George $21.95
Standing Rock-Lakota, Dakota, Nakota; Sprague, Donovin $22.99
Standing Rock Sioux; Sprague, Donovin $21.99
Strategy of Defeat at Little Bighorn; Wagner, Fredrick $39.95
Taste of Wyoming; Sinclair, Pamela $24.95
Tell Them We Are Going Home; Monnett, John $16.95
Terrible Glory; Donovan, James $18.00
That's Here; Wooten, Dave $12.00
The Earth is Weeping; Cozzens, Peter $20.00
The Way of the Herbs; Tierra Michael $19.95
They Call Me Agnes; Vognet, Fred $19.95
To Hell With Honor; Sklenar, Larry $24.95
To Kill An Eagle; Kadkeck, Mabell/Edward$ 14.95
Traveler's Guide to the Great Sioux War; Hedren, Paul $12.95
Treasure State Tycoon - (HC); Russell, John $29.95
Treasure State Tycoon - (PB); Russell, John $19.95
US Army in the West 1870-1880; McChristian, Douglas $29.95
Vintage Postcards of Sheridan Cty Collection $17.95
Wagon Box Fight; Keenan, Jerry $19.95
Walden: Life in the Woods; Walden, H. T. $16.99
Walking with Grandfather; Marshall, Joseph III $19.95
War On Powder River; Smith, Helena $24.95
War Party in Blue; Van DeLogt $34.95
Warpath; Vestal, Stanley $19.95
Washakie, Chief of the Shoshone; Hebard, Grace $19.95
Washita; Greene, Jerome $19.95
Where A 100 Soldiers Were Killed; Monnett, John $29.95
Where Custer Fell; Brust, James etal. $26.95
Where the Rivers Ran Red; Donahue, Michael $36.95
Where the Rivers Run North; Morton, Sam $19.95
White Hat; Nelson. Mark $29.95
Wild Flowers of the Rockies; Strickler, Dee $9.95
Wilderness Essays; Muir, John $14.95
Wolf at Twilight; Nerburn, Kent $17.95
Wolves at Eden (Norton Publish); McCarthy Kevin $25.95
Women in Wonderland; Watry, Elizabeth $19.95
Women Who Charmed the West; Seagraves, Anne $12.95
Wooden Leg; Marquis, Thomas $18.95
Wyoming a Photographic Journey; Spradley, Kyle $14.95
Wyoming's Friendly Skies; Talbott/Kassel $21.99
Wyoming Ghost Stories; Munn, Debra $12.95
Wyoming Lynching of Cattle Katie 1889; Hufsmith, George $19.95
Wyoming Trivia; Day, Brian $9.95
Years the Stars Fell; Smithsonian $45.00
Yellowstone Ghost Stories; Larios, Shellie $10.95
Yellowstone Trivia Stories; Larios, Shellie $10.95
Ziebach County 1910-2010; Sprague, Donovin $21.95
Amee-nah; Thomasma, Kenneth $7.99
Amigo; Baylor, Byrd $7.99
Booger; Gagliano, Gene $10.95
Beyond the Ridge; Goble, Paul $7.99
Building Bird Houses; Rau, Dana $6.99
"C" is for Cowboy; Gagliano, Gene $17.98
Courage of Sarah Noble; Dalgliesh, Alice $19.99
Coyote Places the Stars (PB); Taylor, Harriet $7.99
D is for Drum; Hardorff, Richard $15.95
Daily Life in the Covered Wagon; Erickson, Paul $9.95
Death of the Iron Horse; Goble, Paul$7.99
Discover Bugs; Gauthier, Kelly $19.95
Discovering Bugs Activity Book; Gauthier, Kelly $24.94
Doe Sia; Thomasma, Kenneth $7.99
Dream Wolf; Goble, Paul $7.99
Epilson; Reichlin, Ted $7.95
Full Moon Lore; Wahi, Ellen $16.99
Gift Horse A Lakota Story; Nelson S.D. $9.95
Gift of the Sacred Dog; Goble, Paul $7.99
Girl Who Loved Wild Horses; Goble, Paul $7.99
Goodnight Baby Bear; Shoulders, Michael $19.99
Great Race; Paul Goble $7.99
Great Native Am. Coloring Books; Copeland, Peter $4.99
Greet the Dawn (HC); Nelson, S.D. $18.95
Gunfighter; McCarty, Lea $5.95
Heart of Everything that Is; Drury/Clavin $16.99
Hooray for Today!; Won, Brian $16.99
If You Lived with the Sioux Indians; McGovern, Ann $6.99
Indian Painting Coloring Book Collection $7.95
Indian Tribes of the North Am Coloring Book; Copeland, Peter $3.95
Insectiopedia; Florian, Douglas $8.99
Kunu; Thomasma, Kenneth $7.99
Little Explorers Bugs; Bonner Publishing $9.00
Little Naturalist - Thoreau; Coombs, Kate $9.99
Little Naturalist - John Muir; Coombs, Kate $9.9
Ledgerbook of Thomas Blue Eagle; Matthaei,G; Gutman, J. $21.95
Looking Down; Jenkins, Steve $7.99
May I Come In?; Arnold, Marsha $16.99
Minnow and Rose; Young, Judy $15.95
Moho Wat; Thomasma, Kenneth $7.99
Moose on the Loose; Wargin, Kathy-Jo $15.95
Muskrat & Skunk; Montileaux, Donald $19.99
Mystery of the Pheasant; Meierhenry & Volk $14.95
Native Am. Activity Book; Reddick/Sanders $5.99
Naya Nuki; Thomasma, Kenneth $7.99
Om Kas Toe; Thomasma, Kenneth $7.99
PFG to Coloring Birds; Peterson $8.95
PFG to Coloring Wildflowers; Peterson $8.95
Painting the Wild Frontier; Reich, Susanna $22.00
Pathki Nana; Thomasma, Kenneth $7.99
Pocket Guide to Camping; White, Linda & Katherine $9.99
Pow Wow Coloring Books; $5.99
Pow Wow Coloring and Activity; Maawanji'idiwin-PowWow $5.99
Plains Indian Coloring Book; Rickman, David $4.95
Red Cloud: A Lakota Story; Nelson S.D. $19.95
Red Cloud's War: Brave Eagle; Goble, Paul $16.95
S is for S'mores; James, Helen Foster $17.95
Soun Tetoken; Thomasma, Kenneth $7.99
Standing Bear of the Ponca; Va.Divning Hawk Sneve $14.95
Takini; Thomasma, Kenneth $7.95
Tasunka: A Lakota Horse Legend; Montileaux, Donald $19.95
Tatanka and the Lakota People; Montileaux, Donald $9.95
Thunder on the Plains; Goble, Paul $10.99
Track that Scat; Morlock, Lisa $15.95
Walking Along; Goble, Paul $19.95
Western Pioneer Coloring Book; Copeland, Peter $4.99
W is Wyoming; Gagliano, Gene $7.95
When the Buffaloes Began; Baker, Olaf $6.99
Who Pooped Field Guide; Lehmann, Steph $9.95
Wonsit; Thomasma, Kenneth $7.99
Woodland Walk; Saunders, June $9.99
Wyoming Activity Book; Rogers, Linda $7.99
4 Wheels West; Gagliano, Gene $17.95