Fort Phil Kearny Historic Site
Wyoming State Historic Site, National Historic Landmark and Interpretive Center

History of the Fort
Non-Native Migration
Military background, including cavalry, infantry and companies that were here
Details of uniforms and equipment, including guns and saddles
Day in the life of infantry, cavalrymen and horses.
What life was like in the barracks
Personal hygiene
Financial compensation
Gold mines desertion effect
Diet, disease, and medical treatment
Soldier’s duties
Punishment including simple infractions
Forms of entertainment
The Plains Tribal life ways broadly, and value of terrain to traditional lifestyles
Symbolism of clothing and weapon decorations
Some commonly told Native origin stories and legends
Value of dreams and interpretations
Battle tactics
Warrior weapon history and including how to make a warrior shield, and bow and arrows
Value of horses to traditional Plains Tribes lifeways
Broadly accepted information on Plains Tribes warrior culture
December 6th
Wagon Box
FOR MORE INFO please call 307-684-7629 or email