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Fenn Owned Publications in SCFPL Wyoming Room

Folder Specific notes: The list within this folder is only a small portion of the Fenn Collection publications presented to the SCFPL Wyoming Room.  The collection consisted of over 260 volumes many of which were duplicate copies of titles already in the Wyoming Room inventory.  The Wyoming Room staff retained only those volumes from the Fenn Collection that were not already in the inventory.  This list contains those volumes with postive Fenn ownership identification.   The WYRM Call Number identifies the location within the stacks  for said volume while the (ME) designator indicates it is a small or paper bound volume housed in a Manilla Envelope with the call number.  If you would like to read any of these volumes simply present the call number to the staff and they will retreive it from the stacks.

Item Title Author WYRM Call Number

An Army of MarksmanMcChristian, Douglas C.WYO 355.547 McCH  (ME)

Army Post on the Northern Plains 1865 - 1885Mattison, RoyWYO 355.12 Mat  (ME)

Arrowheads and Stone Artifacts A Practical Guide for the Surface Collector and Amateur ArchaeologistYeager, C.G.WYO 930.1 YEA

Arrowheads of the Central Great Plains Identification and Value GuideFox, Daniel J.WYO 623.441 FOX

Attack on Black Kettle's VillageDun, RuthWYO 973.81  (ME)

Battles and Leaders of the Civil WarBradford, Ned (ed.)WYO 973.73 BAT

Brave Eagle's Account of the Fetterman Fight 21 December 1866Goble, Paul and DorothyWYO 978.7 FETTERMAN

Buffalo Bill and the Wild WestSell, Henry Blackman and Victor WeybrightWYO B Cody

Cheyenne SketchbookAdam, E. & K.D. PetersenWYO 970.3 Chey  (ME) 

Chronicles of the Yellowstone Topping, E.S.WYO 978.6 TOPPING 

Chronological List of Actions, etc, with Indians from January, 1891Adjutant General's OfficeWYO 970 CHRONOLOGICAL  (ME)

Crazy Horse and CusterAmbrose, Stephen E.WYO 973.82 AMB  (Croft Col.)

Curse Not His CurlsEge, Robert J.WYO 978.6 EGE

Custer's Field: A Sickening Ghastly HorrorTaunton, Francis B.WYO 973.82 TAU  (ME)

Dakotah Sioux Indian Dictionary Over 4,000 Words Pronunciation at a GlanceWarCloud, PaulWYO 497.5 WAR

Echoes of Glory: Illustrated Atlas of the Civil WarEditors of Time Life BooksWYO 973.73 ILLUSTRA     

Echoes of Glory: Arms and Equipment of the ConfederacyEditors of Time Life BooksWYO 973.7 ARM            

Echoes of Glory: Arms and Equipment of the Union Editors of Time Life BooksWYO 973.7 ARM            

Echoes of the Little Big HornShepard, KeithWYO 970.004 Echoes  (ME)

Everyday Lakota: an English-Sioux Dictionary for BeginnersKarol, Joseph S., editor WYO 497.52 Sioux

Famous Indians of Northwest NebraskaHanson, JamesWYO 970.004 Han  (ME)

Following CusterProgulske, Donald R. and Frank J. ShidelerWYO 978.3 PROGULSKE

Fort Bridger - A brief HistoryEllison, R.S.WYO 978.7 ELLISON

Fort Buford and the Military Frontier on the Northern Plains 1850 - 1900State Historical Society of North DakotaWYO 978.4 Buford

Fort Caspar (Platte Bridge Station)Mokler, Alfred JamesWYO 978.7 MOKLER

Fort Davis National Historic Site, TexasUtley, Robert M.WYO 976.4 Utley  (ME)

Fort Laramie National Historic SiteHieb, David L.WYO 978.7 Hieb  (ME)

Fort Robinson Outpost on the PlainsGrange, Robert T, Jr.WYO 978.7 GRANGE

Gallatin County's Heritage A Report of Progress 1805 - 1976Burlingame, Merril G.WYO 978.6662 BUR

General Custer and His Sporting RiflesHaynes, C. Vance, JrWYO 799.202 HAYNES

Gettysburg The Second DayPfanz, Harry W.WYO 973.7 PFANZ

Grass, Tipis and Black Gold A Narrative in Celebration of America's BicentennialBig Horn County Heritage CommitteeWYO 978.638 HER

Historical Register and Dictionary of the U.S. Army V.1Heitman, Francis B.WYO 355.3 HEITMAN VOL.1

Historical Register and Dictionary of the U.S. Army V.2Heitman, Francis B.WYO 355.3 HEITMAN VOL.2

In Search of the Buffalo The Story of J. Wright MooarAnderson, Charles G.WYO 976.4 AND

Massacre SurvivorKuhlman, CharlesWYO 973.82 KUH  (ME)

Military and Trading Posts of Montana Including Sites in North Dakota, Wyoming, Alberta and British ColumbiaMiller, Don and Stan CohenWYO 978.6 MIL

Mountain Men of WyomingFetter, RichardWYO 978.7 FET c2

Native American Portraits 1862 - 1918Hathaway, NancyWYO 779.2 HATHAWAY N

North American Indian Burial CustomsYarrow, Dr. H.C.WYO 970.1 YAR

Photographs of American Civil War CavalryMilitary ImagesWYO 973.740 CAV

She Watched Custer's Last BattleMarquis, Thomas B.WYO 973.82 MAR  (ME)

Sitanka The Full Story of Wounded KneeSeymour, Forrest W.WYO 973.86 SEYMOUR

Sketch Story of the Custer BattleMarquis, Thomas B.WYO 973.82 MAR  (ME)

The Battle of Antietam - Civil War Times IllustratedStanchak, John E., editorWYO 973.7 BAT  (ME)

The Battle of ChancellorvilleCullen, Joseph P.WYO 973.734 CUL  (ME)

The Battlefield of Antietam MapMiller, R.C.WYO 978.7 BAT  (ME)

The Bozeman Trail Vol. 1Hebard, Grace Raymond and E.A. BrininstoolWYO 978.02 HEBARD V.I 

The Bozeman Trail Vol. 2Hebard, Grace Raymond and E.A. BrininstoolWYO 978.02 HEBARD V II

The Buffalo Soldiers: A Narrative of the Negro Cavalry in the WestLeckie, William H.WYO 357.1 LEC

The Dull Knifes of Pine Ridge A Lakota OddyseyStarita, JoeWYO B DULL KNIFE

The Last Days of the Sioux NationUtley, Robert M.WYO 970.6 UTL

The Last Free Man: The True Story Behind the Massacre of Shoshone Mike and His Band of Indians in 1911Hyde, Dayton O.WYO 979.6 HYDE

The Long Death: The Last Days of the Plains IndiansAndrist, Ralph K.WYO 970.5 AND

The Peace Chiefs of the CheyennesHoig, StanWYO 970.3 CH HOIG

The Sioux Uprising of 1862Carley, KennethWYO 970.3 CARLEY

The Sixth Grandfather Black Elk's Teachings Given by John G. NeihardtDeMallie, Raymond J. (ed.)WYO 970.004 NEI

The Story of the U.S. Cavalry 1775-1942Herr, John K. and Edward S. WallaceWYO 357.1 HERR

The United States Cavalry: an Illustrated HistoryUrwin, Gregory J.WYO CUSTER URWIN  

To Consecrate this Ground: The Custer Battlefield 1876 - 1976Koury, Michael J.WYO 973.82 KOU  (ME)

Two Days After the Custer BattleMarquis, Thomas B.WYO 973.82 MAR  (ME)

Under a Hot Sunday SunSpearing, Sue A.WYO 973.82 SPE  (ME)

Visiting History Arguments Over Museums and Historic SitesGeorge, GeraldWYO 069 GEORGE

Wells Fargo:  An Illustrated HistoryLoomis, Noel M.WYO 388.34 LOO

Which Indian Killed Custer?Marquis, Thomas B.WYO 973.82 MAR  (ME)

Will Soule: Indian Photographer at Fort Sill, Oklahoma 1869 - 75Belous, Russel E. and Robert A. WeinsteinWYO 970.466 SOU

Wounded Knee & the Ghost Dance TragedyUtter, JackWYO 973.86 UTTER  (ME)





Microfilm Number      (numbered round orange sticker)Microfilm Roll Number Title/Call NumberFilmed Document Date Range Subject Notes

184M4761863-1868393 Army Continental Commands; Letters sent- Dept. of the Platte; Vol.'s 1 &2From Roy Marcot

190M617-5961/1861-12/1876Post Returns - Ft. LaramieFrom Roy Marcot

192M617-910-17/1866-7/1868Post Returns - Ft. Phil Kearny, WY

143M617-910-2/WYO355.7097 FOR7/1866-7/1868Post Returns - Ft. Phil Kearny, WY

174M617-1002/WYO355.7097 FOR9/1865-8/1868Post Returns - Ft. Reno, WY

172M617-1190/WYO355.7097 FOR8/1866-7/1868Post Returns - Ft. C.F. Smith, MT

191M619-5601867Letters received by the office of the Adjutant General Fetterman, William Judd mentioned 2/3 into the roll.

183M1064-258-11863-1870Letters received by the Commission Branch of the Adjutant Generals OfficeFetterman, William Judd; Civil War; Indian War; KIA - 21 Dec. 1866.  From Roy Marcot.

181M1064-3621867Letters received by the Commission Branch of the Adjutant Generals OfficeMaj. James Powell 18th U.S. Inf.

182M1064-396-11868Letters received by  the Commission Branch of the Adjutant Generals Office

186M1281-21862-1863Summary Statements of Quarterly Returns of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores on Hand in Regular and Volunteer Army OrganizationsCavalry Organizations Vol. 1, 4th qtr., 1862; Vol. 2, 1st qtr., 1863; Vol. 3, 2nd qtr., 1863; Vol. 4, 3rd qtr. 1863

187M1281-3-11863-1871Summary Statements of Quarterly Returns of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores on Hand in Regular and Volunteer Army Organizations incl. 2nd U.S. Cav. And 18th U.S. Inf.Cavalry Organizations; Vol. 5, 4th qtr., 1863; Vol. 6, 1st qtr., 1864; Vol. 7, 2nd qtr., 1864; Vol. 8, 3rd qtr., 1864; Vol. 9, 2nd qtr., 1866, 2nd qtr., 1867, 4th qtr., 1870 and 1st - 4th qtr. 1871

189M1281-81864-1876Summary Statements of Quarterly Returns of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores on Hand in Regular and Volunteer Army Organizations incl. 2nd U.S. Cav. And 18th U.S. Inf.Inf. and misc. org. Vols. 17-18, 4th qtr. 1864; Vol. 19, 1st qtr. 1865; Vol. 20, 2nd qtr. 1866 and 2nd qtr. 1867; Vol. 21, 4th qtr. 1870 and 1st - 4th qtr.'s 1871; Inf., Art., Cav. and misc. org.: Vol 1, 1st - 4th







528 Wagon Box Road

Banner, WY  82832  -   307-684-7629


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