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George M. Templeton


 “Of eighty infantry officers, including contract surgeons, only two men were stationed continuously on the Bozeman Trail during its two year military history: George M. Templeton and surgeon Samuel M. Horton (who served at Fort Phil Kearny). First Lieutenant Templeton arrived on the trail in July 1866, and reached Fort C.F. Smith on August 10, 1866, in time to approve the selection of the site for the post on August twelfth, and remained there until June 18, 1868. He left the Bozeman Trail in /august, when the last contingent of the army closed Fort Reno.” 

Father Barry Hagan, PORTRAITS of Fort Phil Kearny 


This is his diary in two parts.


Special thanks to the Sheridan Library; Carl R. Oslund Collection

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