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Version 1 of Sample Support Letter


                                                                                                                January____, 2021



Dear Congresswoman or Congressman_________


We are writing this letter in support of the proposal by the Fort Phil Kearny/Bozeman Trail Association and Our Montana to seek legislation from our congressional delegations to authorize a feasibility study by the Secretary of Interior for listing of the Bozeman Trail as a National Historic Trail pursuant to the National Trails Act of 1968, as amended. This designation is important for historic preservation and local economies.

We feel the Bozeman Trail is nationally significant in our country’s history and worthy of this special designation. National designation will increase interest in and visitation to museums and historic sites along the 535-mile corridor in Montana and Wyoming.  Increased visitation will economically benefit local communities in our states.  National designation will strengthen future grant proposals from non-profit organizations to support education and preservation projects for historic sites and museums along the Trail corridor.

We feel this proposal can confidently be supported by all citizens of Montana and Wyoming.  The National Trails Act specifically states that private landowners, with segments of the trail passing across their land will not be encumbered by national designation. There will be no federal land acquisition or change in private property rights.

The Bozeman Trail is currently listed as eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places with several segments in Wyoming already listed on the National Register.  The Bureau of Land Management in Wyoming currently treats the Bozeman Trail as if it is a National Historic Trail in their Resource Management Plans with specific protective measures for intact trail segments.  There would be no change in current protective measures for development projects on public lands, split mineral estate private/state/public lands, if the Bozeman Trail received National Historic Trail designation.

In summary, we respectfully request that you introduce legislation for the feasibility study of the Bozeman Trail as a National Historic Trail.  Your support and leadership will be greatly appreciated by your current and future constituents.





Cc; Fort Phil Kearny/Bozeman Trail Association, Our Montana, Governor of Montana or Wyoming





Version 2 of Sample Support Letter


                                                                                                                January____, 2021


Dear Congresswoman or Congressman_________


We are writing this letter in support of the proposal by the Fort Phil Kearny/Bozeman Trail Association and Our Montana to seek legislation from our congressional delegations to authorize a feasibility study by the Secretary of Interior for listing of the Bozeman Trail as a National Historic Trail pursuant to the National Trails Act of 1968, as amended. This designation is important for historic preservation and local economies.

We feel the Bozeman Trail is nationally significant in our country’s history and worthy of this special designation. National designation will increase interest in and visitation to museums and historic sites along the 535-mile corridor in Montana and Wyoming.  Increased visitation will economically benefit local communities in our states.  National designation will strengthen future grant proposals from non-profit organizations to support education and preservation projects for historic sites and museums along the Trail corridor.

We respectfully request that you introduce legislation for the feasibility study of the Bozeman Trail as a National Historic Trail.  Your support and leadership will be greatly appreciated by your current and future constituents.






Cc; Fort Phil Kearny/Bozeman Trail Association, Our Montana, Governor of Montana or Wyoming





Version 3:  Support Letter Bullets

Instead of a boiler plate letter here are key bullets the author can use to pen their own letter


Dear Congresswoman or Congressman_________


Designation of the Bozeman Trail as a National Historic Trail will provide clear and lasting documentation of the significance of the Trail and associated events to our national history for current and future generations.

National designation will enhance preservation efforts, education opportunities, and visitor experiences along the trail route and at associated historic sites on public lands where public access is available and prudent.

National Trail status would increase interest in visitation, and hence income at numerous associated historic sites and museums along the trail corridor in Montana and Wyoming.

Increased visitation and longer duration visits to publicly available trail segments and associated sites and museums will directly benefit local economies.








Cc; Fort Phil Kearny/Bozeman Trail Association, Our Montana, Governor of Montana or Wyoming

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